Edible Oil/Food & Agro Industry

Proper filtration is one of the key elements in the production of high quality vegetable oils and food products. The selection of a filtration system is based on the type of oil, the type of contaminant to be removed and the required end product.

Typical Oil filtration systems include: Typical Filtration in Food industry includes:
- Crude oil filtration -Conveying
- Miscella filtration -Grinding
- Bleached and/or detoxified oil filtration -Mixing
- Deodorized oil filtration -Miling
- Winterized oil filtration -Drying
- Hydrogenation -Venting
- Post bleaching -Extruding
- Safety filtration
- Polishing filtration (Packaging & Loading)

Most Importantly that filtration plays a vital role at every stage in these industry. In addition, no. of process condition such as temperature, gas chemistry, humidity and cross contamination need to be taken into consideration when determining the correct solution.

Tapama offers

  • Wide range of products to ensure fine filtration with maximum efficiency
  • We would not only support for bag designs but also on how to optimize the flow parameters of your system to get the best productivity
  • Our process-specific product design and applications engineering approach has proven to be the lowest risk way to optimize your system's performance